The Growth Engine You Need

Done-For-You Marketing That Guarantees Results and SuperMarketers is focused on one thing: Quantified Results.

The Founder


Before starting SuperMarketers, I was Co-Founder at Prehook, a quiz platform for Shopify merchants.
Prehook was a bootstrapped company–which meant limited resources and bandwidth. Though we did successfully sell the company, we could have likely done a lot more by leveraging AI and automation.
And that was the reason for diving headfirst into learning how AI could help marketers be more effective.
I graduated from Brown University, and got my MBA from Cornell. I’m now in Austin, TX–usually found with my wife and two kids at a coffee shop, playing basketball, or enjoying Austin’s stand up comedy scene.


Co-Founder at Prehook, VP Marketing at Jungle Scout, the leading Amazon seller tool. And VP Marketing at Content at Scale, a leading AI writing tool. Founder at Retainable, an agency to help B2B SaaS companies improve onboarding and engagement.


I write a weekly newsletter and record a weekly podcast, both appropriately called SuperMarketers.


I am Marketer in Residence at MarketerHire, the #1 global network for marketing freelancers. I teach a course on AI and marketing. I’m also helping write a book on AI for leaders.

Drop me a line, would love to say hi! 👋

We’re a highly collaborative and supportive team, coming together on every single project to ensure our clients get the very best out of each of us.

Operational Experience, and Excellence

We have been in your shoes, growing brands in a high stakes and highly competitive environment. We’ve had the experience testing and innovating to identifying market gaps and filling them with innovative solutions. From entrepreneurial success to working at high growth SaaS companies, our record speaks for itself.

Thought Leadership in AI & Marketing

We are on the cutting-edge of how AI tools and strategies can be used by marketers. Through the SuperMarketers podcast, newsletter, courses, and book, we’ve become a go-to authority on leveraging AI in marketing. These are insights gained from hands-on experience and real-world impact.

Resourceful Growth

Whether it's bootstrapped startups or venture-backed giants, we’ve led marketing initiatives that directly impact key business metrics. All with a keen eye on profitability and maximizing resources.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Gen's approach to marketing is rigorously data-driven, focusing on quantifiable activities that produce measurable results. This laser focus ensures that every marketing dollar spent is an investment in scalable, sustainable growth

“Gen's marketing expertise in marketing, in particular in how to use AI to improve productivity and output, is the best I've seen and tremendously helpful.

Colin Dougherty
Head of Marketing,

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