Use AI for Content Creation: Marketer Guide for Content Marketing Automation

Revolutionize content with AI. Generate more content faster. Optimize for engagement. Distribute and analyze smarter. Don't fall behind - adopt AI now.

Use AI for Content Creation and Content Marketing Automation

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing content marketing. Where marketers previously spent long hours manually creating and distributing content, AI tools are now automating many of these repetitive, time-consuming tasks. This allows content marketers to instead focus their efforts on strategy, creativity, and producing high-quality content that truly resonates with their audience.

With the average content marketer spending over half their time on content production, the promise of AI is appealing. Content marketing has proven itself as an effective strategy – companies that are consistent content marketers achieve higher brand awareness, generate more leads, and see larger returns on their marketing investment. However, when executed properly, it requires extensive amounts of work. From ideation to writing to promotion, marketers must consistently research topics, craft posts, create graphics, and publish their content across channels. This is a never-ending process.

AI-powered marketing solutions are stepping in to assist. As AI capabilities have advanced, marketing technology vendors have developed tools that can automate parts of the content workflow. AI-generated content writers can generate draft blog posts and social media captions with just a few prompts. AI research assistants scour the internet to quickly provide supporting data for articles. Platforms use AI content generation to optimize content and analyze performance. Integrating these solutions allows marketers to scale their operations and redirect their focus toward high-level strategy and impactful content that truly connects with customers.

The promise of AI in content and automation has generated lots of excitement in the content marketing world. As we’ll explore throughout this article, AI marketing strategies empower brands to improve many parts of their process, from ideation to distribution and optimization. When leveraged properly, AI tools enable marketers to improve their marketing efforts and work smarter – producing more content than ever before, but with higher quality and greater efficiency.

How AI Can Help Marketers With AI Content Creation


AI Writing Assistance

One of the most impactful applications of generative AI for content marketing is automated content writing. AI content writers utilize natural language generation technology to draft, expand upon, and refine content. Rather than staring at a blank page, marketers can provide a few prompts to AI writing tools to get drafts created.

For example, marketers can input a basic topic, outline, or set of bullets. The use of AI will then compose complete sentences and paragraphs around this. Or they can give the AI content model a headline, and the tool will generate an entire blog post or social media caption around it. More advanced in using AI for content allows writers to allow the input of tone, level of detail, keywords to focus on, and more to customize the draft.

The key advantage of leveraging AI writing assistance is the massive time savings. Whereas it may take a human writer an hour or more to plan content ideas, research, and write a blog post, the AI can elevate the content creation process to draft in seconds or minutes. This allows marketers to quickly and efficiently produce much more content. AI in content marketing is also helpful for creating initial versions of repetitive content like social posts, emails, and more.

Importantly, AI-generated drafts still require human review and refinement before publishing. The technology has advanced tremendously but still lacks the true human understanding needed to craft persuasive content. However, by taking care of the busy work of putting ideas to paper, AI writing assistance lets marketers focus their time on content strategy and on polishing content to perfection. This hybrid approach allows for greater scale and automation while still producing content with a human touch.

AI-Powered Research

Conducting research is a vital but often tedious aspect of content creation in marketing campaigns. Writers and marketing teams must dig through multiple sources to identify relevant data, statistics, case studies, and other information to support their content. This typically involves lots of searching, reading, compiling, and cross-referencing.

AI research tools help accelerate long-form content and marketing processes exponentially. Rather than having to comb through various sites and materials manually, AI solutions leverage natural language processing to rapidly synthesize information and pull out the most important pieces.

For example, a marketer could input a topic like “benefits of pet ownership” into an AI research assistant. Within seconds, the AI will scrape the internet and academic databases to gather relevant facts, figures, citations, and quotes to include. Marketers can specify the types of sources, number of references, and other criteria to filter the results.

The AI can be used to deliver compiled, organized research content that the marketer can easily integrate within a blog post or other content. By handling the heavy lifting of research, AI-powered marketing automation allows the marketer to focus on crafting and structuring the narrative itself.

Some key benefits of AI research assistance to streamline content include:

  • Faster research with more sources aggregated
  • Reduced risk of bias by pulling broadly
  • Ability to keep content constantly updated with the latest data
  • More credible content with academic, factual sources
  • Helps surface niche studies and statistics beyond top search results

With AI quickly unearthing the deepest insights across the internet, marketers can rapidly create authoritative, well-supported content at scale.

Personalized Content

One of the most powerful applications of AI technologies for content creation is the ability to automatically customize entire content for different segments and personas. While most content is created in a one-size-fits-all fashion, AI in content creation allows for personalized content that speaks directly to each individual reader.

Sophisticated AI platforms can ingest customer data – interests, behaviors, demographics, and more – to build detailed user profiles. When generating content, the AI will then automatically tailor it by pulling in relevant details for each target reader.

For example, an AI assistant creating a blog post about new tax regulations could automatically reference deductions relevant to families for one person and retirement-related deductions for senior citizen readers. The tone, examples, and calls to action can all be adjusted dynamically to produce content that resonates.

At scale, implementing AI marketing automation systems can produce thousands of variations of the same content tailored to different groups. The technology ensures each version is relevant while avoiding repetition. This level of written content for personalization is unheard of in manual content production.

Key benefits of using AI-generated content to personalize content include:

  • Increased engagement and conversion by speaking directly to readers
  • Strengthened reader relationships when content is tailored specifically
  • Testing content variations to determine optimal formats
  • Ability to scale personalized content across channels
  • More refined persona targeting as systems learn over time

With AI delivering customized content to each visitor, brands, and marketing industries can establish deeper connections while also automating the personal touch.

Use AI to Automate Content Production and Marketing Automation


Content Calendars

Creating and managing an editorial calendar is essential for keeping content production on track. But crafting calendars and schedules manually can be a painstaking process. AI is changing the future by automating and optimizing calendars to boost efficiency.

AI content calendar software can evaluate past and existing content to identify gaps in topics, formats, keywords, and other factors. The AI will then suggest topics and formats to create that align with search volume data, seasonality, and audience preferences.

Once the calendar is populated, the AI will continue optimizing it by identifying overflow areas and adjusting timelines and topics accordingly. The goal is to provide a steady stream of diverse, high-performing content – avoiding both gaps where no content is created and bottlenecks where too much piles up.

For each piece of scheduled content, AI can also generate reminders and assign team members to topics based on expertise. On publication dates, the content or reminder can automatically be dropped into relevant folders and systems.

With an AI managing the calendar, marketers avoid having to manually align topics to calendars, fill gaps, and tweak schedules. This saves extensive time while also providing smarter optimization of what content to produce when.

Key benefits of AI content calendars include:

  • Automated topic research and suggestions
  • Identification of content gaps and bottlenecks
  • Dynamic calendar adjustments and notifications
  • Expert assignment to topics and reminders
  • Seamless workflow integration and management

By leaving the organizational heavy-lifting to AI, marketers can focus on producing the content itself rather than coordination.

Design and Visuals

Visual content like images, graphics, and videos are hugely important for capturing attention and driving engagement with content. However, designing great visuals can be difficult and time-consuming. AI automation is revolutionizing visual content creation for marketers.

Powerful AI design platforms can generate a wide range of visual assets with just a text prompt. For images, the AI creates original photographs, illustrations, and collages tailored to the desired theme, emotions, and visual style. For graphics, the AI generates everything from social media posts to infographics to presentations based on text and data inputs.

AI video creation platforms allow generating videos by describing the storyline, visuals, and audio desired. The AI handles stitching everything together into professional-quality video.

This automation enables marketers to instantly produce eye-catching, relevant visuals that perfectly complement their content. Rather than hiring designers or learning design skills, they can simply describe what they want to see.

Benefits of using AI to automate visual content creation include:

  • Faster turnaround with visuals created in real-time
  • Consistent on-brand visuals scaled across content
  • No creative skills needed – simply describe the visual desired
  • Data-driven design based on what performs best
  • Testing different visual formats and styles easily

With AI, brands can level up their visual content game to create more engaging, performant content efficiently.

Automatic Posting and Distribution

Getting content seen by the right audiences requires publishing across multiple platforms and channels. But the manual process of posting to different sites is repetitive and time-consuming. AI automation makes distribution seamless.

AI-powered content marketing platforms allow setting up rules for automated publishing across blogs, social media, and other channels. As soon as a piece of content is approved, the AI will immediately post and share it based on the instructions.

The AI can post content at optimal times too. By analyzing past performance data, the AI can determine the best times and days to publish to each platform. The AI might post blogs on Wednesday mornings, social updates on weekday afternoons, and send emails on Thursdays for example.

For social media, the AI can reuse content across platforms while intelligently adapting formatting and text for each one. The AI ensures the core message stays consistent while optimizing delivery.

Key benefits of automating content distribution include:

  • Saving time manually posting across channels
  • Ability to scale publishing across more platforms
  • Posting content at optimal times and dates
  • Adaptation of content for each platform’s algorithm
  • Insights from AI performance data to refine strategies

With AI handling the busywork of disseminating content, marketers can take a more strategic view of their distribution and amplification efforts.

Optimizing Content With AI in Marketing


Sentiment and Tone Analysis

Ensuring the content marketing process aligns with a brand’s desired voice and resonates with readers emotionally is critical for engagement. AI tools are now able to analyze text sentiment and tone to evaluate and improve content.

AI sentiment analysis scans content to detect the overall emotional sentiment as positive, negative, or neutral. This helps marketers understand if their content comes across as intended and adjust if needed.

Beyond sentiment, AI tone analysis also evaluates the more nuanced linguistic qualities like warmth, formality, confidence, and more. The AI will suggest tone modifications to better-fit brand voice guidelines and reader preferences.

For example, an upbeat, humorous social media post may be analyzed as too informal based on the brand’s traditional voice. The AI would then recommend tweaking word choice, sentence structure, and messaging to align better.

Key benefits of using AI content marketing for sentiment and tone analysis include:

  • Optimizing content to emotionally connect with readers
  • Checking that content aligns with brand voice guidelines
  • Suggesting data-driven tone adjustments
  • Ensuring consistency across large volumes of content
  • Adapting tone for different formats and audiences

With AI, marketers can efficiently assess and refine the subjective emotional impact of their content at scale.

SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization is crucial for content to drive traffic and conversions. But manually optimizing content for SEO is complex and time-consuming. AI automation makes it fast and simple.

AI-powered SEO tools analyze content to ensure it follows best practices for findability. The AI checks elements like word count, keyword usage, headings structure, meta descriptions, image optimization, and more.

The AI offers specific keyword recommendations by identifying high-volume, relevant search terms that content should target based on the topic. This helps content better align with what users are searching for.

By scanning competitor content, external links, and search trends, the AI can also recommend related topics and angles to cover that will attract search traffic.

Finally, the AI can rewrite and restructure content using optimal SEO syntax, without compromising quality. For example, distributing keywords evenly, improving page speed elements, and enhancing scanability.

Key benefits of AI for optimizing content for SEO include:

  • Targeting the most relevant, high-traffic keywords
  • Structuring content based on SEO best practices
  • Optimizing technical elements for search crawling
  • Uncovering SEO opportunities based on competitor analysis
  • Staying agile with real-time recommendations

With AI, creating SEO-friendly content at scale becomes much simpler and more effective.

Performance Tracking

Here is a detailed overview of how AI can track and analyze content performance for better results:

Understanding what content resonates allows marketers to continually improve their strategies. But manually tracking multiple data points across channels is difficult. AI solutions provide holistic performance analysis.

AI content analytics tools connect to platforms like websites, social media, email, and more to import engagement data in real-time. The AI automatically compiles key metrics like views, clicks, shares, conversions, and more in an easy to interpret dashboard.

Beyond surface-level stats, AI also provides deeper insights. Natural language processing reveals how readers respond to topics, messaging, offers, and other content attributes. AI can pinpoint the specific factors that made a piece viral versus flop.

Machine learning analyzes patterns in top content and then offers data-backed recommendations to recreate the success. The AI might suggest increasing humor, using specific calls to action, or promoting certain channels.

Ongoing AI analysis enables continually optimizing content strategies and styles to maximize engagement. Customized reports allow exporting data to prove content’s ROI.

Key benefits of AI content analytics include:

  • Compiled data from all channels in one dashboard
  • Uncovering insights on content preferences
  • Predictive recommendations based on past performance
  • Ability to iterate and improve content over time
  • Easy reporting to showcase content’s business impact

With comprehensive, real-time data from AI tracking, brands can create content audiences truly love.

Embrace the AI Content Revolution to Unlock New Creative Horizons


The future of content marketing is AI-powered. By harnessing artificial intelligence, brands can break through limits and accelerate success. Instead of getting bogged down in the process, marketers are freed to pursue creativity. They can focus on passion points – ideation, strategy, storytelling – while AI handles the tedious workload. Content will reach new horizons of personalization, optimization, and scale. Campaigns previously deemed impossible can now be executed with ease. It’s an exciting new era where human imagination and AI capability combine to create content that educates, inspires, and transforms. Don’t get left behind; embrace the intelligence. See a demo of our AI content platform today and let’s explore how to make your content dreams into reality. The sky is the limit when humans and machines work together – reach for it.


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